Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Mesti blajar

Its already been week 6 of the term and i really have to stop slacking off and start doing some work. Everyone around me is studying. So now i have to devote my time to study. Bnr. No more false promises. I just got back from wani's place (ur drum set is SWEEEETT), and realise that i should've finish my reading rather than stay over lama2. huh~. Now is 1 in the morning and i just finish my nescafe. I think im gonna start reading after this. Really sorry to the people i promise to post up the raya pics. Nada gi masa ku.

Maybe thats the thing about me. Not really being organise and lalai. Tapi tebuat org lain dpt ku organisekan drg tu. Diri sendri nda sadar. But is start blajar. Less youtubes, less tv series, more studies. Amin. I wanna improve myself and change to be a better person. No more be yourself crap. Laters.

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