Thursday, September 13, 2007


I love Ramadhan.

Its just so relaxing. I had miss two years of Ramadhan in Brunei and this year it feels great smpat puasa d brunei. The sungkai n terawih is the best part. I heard in Sengkurong the imam is a tahfiz kid, mau jua tu solat sma ia ah.

But im gonna miss this after 17th:(

Seriously this year im just so not ready yet to go back to UK. Mcm brg2 pun alum abis bali. Apa inda, my mind is set sudah for Brunei. Malas rsanya kn balik. Maybe because Lyds is here.

OOoooOOh to all who got awarded scholarship for continuing their MA, CONGRATZ!!! too bad lyds nda dpt huhuhu. I went to the mall with lydz msatu n can't help noticing. Seriously, what is it now the trend wit wearin hoodies? Yes it is acceptable maybe on a stormy windy night but during the day when the sun is shrieking out!? Sajuk bnr kah brunei ani? hahahahahhahahaa ada2 sja. These people just made my day, without them Brunei is dull im tellin u.

Then not only that, now the ladies are well into stripes! Last time i saw a group of girls were all patern coded (stripes) from head to toe ( im nt jk). Mna lagi yg colour coded tu like all yellow, all white, all blue....if these people were all in a group i dare say they make a better rainbow or models for United Colours of Benetton....or maybe an eye test for colour-blinds lol.
To people out there NEVER wear anything that has the same colour all over you. But yeah, if im jobless you would see me sitting ah the food court mall while drinkin my kokoberry milk tea and observe people hahahahha n yes, before i fogot i do realise that the 'in' thing now is wearin big 'paris-hilton' glasses indoor. Pasanku nda jua silau bnr lampu mall atu.

Sori to sesiapa yg terasa d luar sna heheheh but rite nw i feel like expressin to these fashion victims. Owh ada satu gi yg ku nda paham. You guys kkno the fashionable tudong wear yg mcm Bienda, where you wear ur head scarf like a gypsy except that u cover ur hair. True this is trendy and you do make it as an alternative style of wearin ur head scarf but it doesn't fulfill the rules of coverin ur aurat ladies! nampak kli ah leher kamu ah!! So do realise this fact please... and just a quick notice, to those yg masih betudung pki baju pendek atu baikth sadar2.

n now raya is coming people are busy with their new baju melyu n baju kurungs esp the ladies. With different designs n katoks, they do want to look the most than the others. Lawa pulang apa but i do realise the baju kurungs now become more 'daring'. Kain nya jarang aka nampak warna kulit n balahan nya lagi if u put one step forward nampak smpai ke paha bh....huhuh adui2. Makin seksa. Well not only the ladies but for the guys ada jua! I saw it in malaysian magazine and ada jua guys kn pki yg jarang2 ani bh, apadeh!? It seriously look gay-ish.

Bh adang th ku kurapak psl fashion ani, diri sendri nda sadar diri hahahahah honestly im bad with fashion esp with me bein colour blind. I have to ask my siblings wich one suits with which hahahahhaah. Oh well. Better get some rest, krg nda tbgn sahur. Okay people slamat menunaikan ibadah puasa.

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