Sunday, July 08, 2007


Startin my MFA attachment tomorrow

Mum tadi baru smpai from pontibaby n brought goodies for the zairi's

6 days till lyds arrive:)

New propose road rules that MOST bruneians ignore- Zebra Crossings~
U know that zebra crossings are when the people are the priority to cross the roads and the cars MUST stop. Not the other way around. So basically if us as a driver, and spotting a zebra crossing just a few meters from us, we will be cautious, just in case someone is crossing the road. One day I was the person crossing the road using the zebra crossing and i walked quite slow. Then there's this car suddenly just zoom straight infront of me without stopping!! what an effing twat!! What if i just decided to leap forward? Mati kli kna langgar! talurrrrrr~~ So basically if u see me a black lancer in gadong and always hits the brakes eventhough theres no traffic in front, thats me lol cos i care for the people crossing the road!

Perayaan Sultan nda gi lama, bh bila jalan?;p

Just found out-there's a fish with a hump on it's head ( forgot the name) has a unique ability that it can change his/her sex. The fish is an original BI!!

Bh mau tidur dulu~

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