Wednesday, July 25, 2007

gather2 and kreter2

Last nyte was fun, (nasib jua hujan dh redha) had dinner at excapade gadong with the weekenders. I ordered the unagi handroll temaki but i think the best was Jem's and Khalel's order, the special californian maki roll (luruskah tu jem?) well basically its a maki roll wrap with tempura flossings in the outside and quite a good combination of different seafood in the inside and its superb!
Special appearance was made by the NationalFM DJ Aida who's on air on sunday nite (see aida, aku promotekan ko lagi dlm blog ku). She blasted us all with this soalan2 talu and lame jokes hahahahha funny the one you did the 'thriller' instead of 'trailer' hahahaha.
Sushi had our stomachs reach its limit. Need to rlike2 dulu so 5 of us went to SugarNSpice for Shisha~~ nice, met lots of familiar faces over there like azlan and yazid with the ms gang and met tony also. Well enuff sed, here are some pics from last nyte

green tea anyone?

calm environment~

finish and done

Good food, good company

The 4 with me havin shisha~

We had white glowing charcoals for our bong!

Bh nanti gi rmi2 shisha!

Owh baru gue teringat, earlier today i went to MOE to fetch up my bro (he had an interview for scholarship) and since i was there i might as well ask the kerani about civic course cos they haven't call me yet. Its 4th floor to the scholarship department and i use the lift. The lift has it's own computerised voice and when it said '4th floor' i was laughing on my own and i swear, suara the lift atu mcm suara dri idung!! Sumbang lagi tu! So try the MOE lift, ktawa kamu tu dgr the suara lol.

Im waiting to upload more pics but my camera be charge....ndapalah, after this blog lerr~~
K take care to those yg jalan mlm, a series of ribut atu bh~~

1 comment:

Chocoholic said...

eh bleh lagi kau ah, ngucapkan 'suara lift'. Manalah tau the person andang suaranya catu...nah nah...lps tu, what are u gonna do? HAHAHA apakan aku ah...eksen baik..kalau aku sana, akupun ketawa kali LOL! Sudah ku balik, kan ku aga eh that 'lift' XP