Wednesday, May 30, 2007


The 26 Bramshaw Gals came over tadi and made some chicken yg d saluti dgn blackpepper for us. Bepanat and evrythin and it was greatlah to hangout time2 boring ani. Seriously for u guys whos out there still have exams and lookin forward to finish it, think twice, unless ur goin back home or travelling just after ur exams finish, cos seriously im jobless for most of the time and that goes to Shauqi, Amal and Syamim. KEBORENGAN HANTAP NYAMU!!

So tadi after the gals balik, me and chip were talkin (suki joined later) about RTB. Chip was more focused on what RTB is giving us like shows, dramas and entertainment. Aku go more deep like camera techniques and graphic designing ( au jirin kau ni krg patut ganti drg batah d RTB ah). Basically what i thought would be a nice idea was RTB to give people scholarship on these areas. Like for sure they need more professional cameramans yg bukan tau drg ambil angel dri bawah muka yg style lama atu (slalu d notis dlm hiburan ujung minggu). Also they need to invest money to buy good quality cameras. I mean for sure RTB has the potential to rise up. Basically for me a giant leap for RTB when they aired Misteri Rumah Nina and the Orange Room. I liked those shows. Syg lah drg nda keep it going. My all time fav wud be BRUNEI SYOK! Its original, the presenter is not bad and it just reflects the public. Shows like these what makes people prefer to watch RTB rather than Astro. See if RTB could invest some money, giv one or two person scholarship to take dramatic arts (film producer) or anything to do with making special documentaries (our culture,traditon, history or our religious roots) then star ratings will go up for RTB. Also graphic designing is another issue. I know my dad works in this sector but ia sendri ngomplen. Reason no one wants to take the job cos gaji nda naik2, apath gi pangkat hahahhaha. Sure my dad one day needs a replacement but sapa jua? luckily recently there was job attchments held in his sector, to give these young minds the experience and knowledge of the area. Also, for the record, ganti tia equipment2 d bilik graphic ah!

I bet if it was improvement for RTB, it wud be their news cast. Durang punya anchors are top people, excellent in reading the news by expressing their natural talent infront of the camera. The only critique for news would be the studio setup. Aku ingat ada that one time, the new studio setup alum siap so just for a temporary period they used a news studio that when the camera was shooting at the anchor, u can see the anchor on the right side of the TV and on his/her left was a TV lama stuck to the wall and was switched off. Seriously, that was a disgrace. Atu balik2 bapaku ucapkan evrytime he watches the news hahahahhahaha. Bnr, it was seriously memalukan. Not only RTB but Rampai Pagi also made huge improvements, now its more like the morning show, the studio setup and the furniture does reflect the typical brunei taste, the ceramah awal2 pagi (this is REALLY good) and the masak2 show. I love watchin the masak2 show. the only downfall would be the chef or the presenter and worse if it was both. Cubath besemanagat sikit. Jadikan tia chef wan ur idol. Ani udahth nda bemaya, kadang2 langgu lagi tu hadui2. Mana tia ada yg sepatah2 becakap hahahhaha takut angus kli bnr makananya. Takut jua kali klu bnyak cakap masin makanan.

Then my dad always make a joke about Af and hiburan hujung minggu. Dulu i consider myself as an AF Fan. Every Saturday, me and my family will turn down any invitations or kana bawa jalan2 just to liat Af (ani msatu AF2, the best so far among the AFs) so asal hari sabtu dlm pkl 11 atu tesidak2 menangis watchin one of the contestants kluar. My dad doesn't connect with AF, instead masa kemuncak kami menangis atu, he will change the TV to channel Brunei (which is airing Hiburan Hujung Minggu) and says
"Nah cuba kamu liat ani saja, dorang sama jua nyanyi , nda jua payah2 menangis2"
LOL i always laugh when he does that, My adeks however will get annoyed and marahi him hahahahha my dad jarang kacau tu if my mum ikut kami liat AF hahaha takut ia. So yeah, Hiburan Hujung Minggu, sapa meliatkan tu? ada jua org meliatkah? i mean it is for a live show but they SERIOUSLY need a major facelift on that show.
First i would suggest they enough using all those glitter clothing and dresses. These is not the 70's for goodness sake.
2nd, as mention earlier, camera techniques tukar, no more those yg dri bawah muha punya angle, it needs to be 360.
3rd stage modification, change the lights, add flavour to the background, modify the platform where they sing and change it to an actual stage.
4th Advertise! give out flyers, pin up posters to promote such shows so that people actually come to appreciate local Brunei talent
5th Promote bands to make shows. As far as i know there are more than 50 bands in Brunei and some of them are actually good. Invite them to sing, don't just let their talent flew away. Also not to forget solos, bring them along too esp c Zul F atu. Undeniably he has talent and Brunei must be proud for him to go into MTV sooooo RTB could do sumthin so that he cud keep on singing, iath invite tia ia ah the Hiburan ah.

HUH~ criticise2 but yeah, thats what basically what we talked about tadi.
Hopefully RTB changes lah. Ani usually if nda Hari Jadi Sultan nda tia kan reform tu.
Anyway its gettin late. Bh kn tido dulu, hope you all have a pleasant night. Ok rancangan tamat.

1 comment:

Chocoholic said...

u've got pretty good ideas man. kudos to u.

make it public. ;)